Danger study of the aggregates plant for the company Carthage Cement

The company “Carthage Cement“, entrusted our research department “BUT Géologie“, with the realization of a risk study inside the plant of aggregates, in order to assess and control the potential risks and human, physical and organizational capacities of the company. Thus, initiate a procedure of classification of the company according to the Tunisian regulations in force relating to classified establishments, governed by the Work Code.

The purpose of the danger study is :

  • Describe the dangers of the site by describing the accidents that could occur (fire, fall, road accident, fuel leak…), of internal or external origin, and to estimate the nature and extent of the consequences.
  • Describe actions to reduce the likelihood and impact of such accidents.
  • Specify the public or private emergency resources available to the aggregate facility to address the adverse impacts of a possible disaster. Analysis of the risks and conditions under which the chain of events may lead to an accident is thus a necessary prerequisite, and will provide appropriate preventive measures, as well as effective means of protection and intervention to limit the severity of the problem.

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