To a Sustainable Management of Marine Resources: Innovative Proposals for Artificial Reefs in the Gulf of Tunis

Our recent participation in the symposium dedicated to the World Day of Artisanal Fishermen and Workers of the Sea (November 21) was marked by a significant presentation focused on the crucial theme of “To a Sustainable Management of Marine Resources: Commitments and Perspectives“. At the core of our intervention was the highlighting of the results of our diagnostic study of marine sites, accompanied by innovative proposals to establish artificial reefs in the Gulf of Tunis.
This ambitious project is part of the Small Initiatives Program of Civil Society in the North Africa region (PPI-OSCAN), under the careful supervision of the Mediterranean Cooperation Center of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Its funding is ensured by committed partners such as the French Global Environment Fund, the “MAVA” Foundation, and the “Sigrid Rausing Trust.”
The central element of our contribution was an in-depth study of marine sites in the Gulf of Tunis region. This diagnostic analysis provided a detailed portrait of the current state of marine resources, highlighting the challenges faced by artisanal fishermen and workers of the sea. Aspects such as marine biodiversity, water quality, and the impact of human activities were meticulously examined.
In response to the findings of our study, we formulated concrete proposals aimed at enhancing the sustainability of marine resources in the Gulf of Tunis. Our flagship proposal involves the creation of carefully planned artificial reefs. These underwater structures, composed of ecological materials, have the potential to provide habitats conducive to the reproduction of marine species and promote the regeneration of fish populations.”

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