Briqueterie Kalâa Sghira​ “B.K.S”

Project Description

Hydrological characterization of rainwater retention basins at the level of clay quarries, owners of the "Briqueterie Kalàa Sghira" company.

The Company Briqueterie Kalaa Sghira " B.K.S", entrusted us with the realiza ion of a study of hydrological characterization of the basins of retention of rainwater in the three quarries of clays: Quarries of Choebet El Maa, Oued Echab and Sidi Dhaher, delegation of Zaremdine, Governorate of Monastir, as well as the proposal of locations of local reservoirs for the collection of rainwater inside the three clay quarries, in order to reduce the probability of occurrence of flood risk during the periods of exceptional floods.

Client: Briqueterie Kalâa Sghira​ “B.K.S”

Year: 2022

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Hydrological characterization of stormwater detention basins

Related services: Flood flow determination

  • This study includes a delineation of the watersheds that characterize the study area.
  • A physical characterization of the watersheds.
  • Determination of flood flows.
  • The proposed location of local tanks for stormwater collection.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Briqueterie Kalâa Sghira

  • Location:

    Zaremdine-Governorate of Monastir