Briqueterie Kalaa Sghira – BKS

Project Description

The Company Briqueterie Kalaa Sghira "B.K.S", entrusted our research department BUT Géologie with the realization of the impact studies on the environment of the exploitation projects of the three clay quarries: Quarries of Choebet El Maa, Oued Echab and Sidi Dhaher, delegation of Zaremdine, Governorate of Monastir.

Client: Briqueterie Kalaa Sghira – BKS

Year: 2020

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Environment Impact Assessment

Related services: Geological survey/ Land feasibility study

Our mission with BKS is to carry out the following studies:

  • The establishment of Environmental Impact Studies for the three quarries of the company BKS: Oued Chab quarry, Choebet El Maa quarry and Sidi Dhaher quarry,

    in order to identify, analyze the foreseeable effects, direct and indirect, related to the opening projects of these quarries on the environment. Then, list the adequate measures to remove, reduce and compensate the harmful consequences to the environment and the corresponding cost estimate and finally, establish an Environmental Management Plan.

  • Carrying out a geological survey/ Feasibility study of Oued Chab and Sidi Dhaher fields in order to evaluate the reserves according to the quality of the deposit.
Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    Delegation of Zaremdine, Governorate of Monastir