Project Description

Technical study on the development and rehabilitation of the area where the industrial aggregate quarrying is completed located in Djebel Semmama, Imadet Boulaaba, Kasserine Nord Delegation, Kasserine Governorate, for the company « YAHYAOUI quarry ».

Mr. Boubaker YAHYAOUI, has entrusted our geological consulting firm "BUT Géologie" with the technical study for the planning and rehabilitation of the area located in the northwestern part of the industrial aggregates quarry located in DJ. Semmama, Imadet Boulaaba, Delegation of North Kasserine, Governorate of Kasserine.

It should be noted that this area is part of a state-owned leased land. The exploitable limestone reserves in this area have been depleted, therefore, during 5 years (the duration of the state-owned lease), the developer must dedicate solely to planning and rehabilitation works to restore this area to a state that complies with and is compatible with the standards.


Year: 2023

Duration: 2 months

Main service: Planning and Rehabilitation/ Restoration

Related service: Calculation of stability of existing faces in the area where reserves are depleted.

In this planning and rehabilitation study, we have addressed the following points by the requested terms of reference:

  • The examination and description of the current state of the quarry, and particularly the area located in its northwestern part, which is the subject of this study, including the condition of the faces and the quality of the reserves.
  • The proposal of a sequence of technically feasible planning and rehabilitation works to ensure compliance with Tunisian regulations for quarry operations.
  • The development of a 5-year rehabilitation schedule.
Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    Djebel Semmama-Governorate of Kasserine