Carthage Cement

Project Description

The Carthage Cement Company has entrusted our research department "BUT Géologie" with the realization of the projects related to the industrial quarry of Djebel RESSAS on the one hand and on the other hand to the crushing and screening unit.

Client: Carthage Cement

Year: 2021

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Geological studies and reserves estimation…

Related services: Elaboration of silica iso-level maps…

Our mission with Carthage Cement is to carry out the following studies:

  • The realization of a geological study and estimation of the reserves as well as the elaboration of an exploitation and rehabilitation method for the industrial quarry of aggregates of the company CARTHAGE CEMENT.
  • Detailed geological mapping of the site at the 1:50,000 scale, supported by illustrative geological sections.
  • The elaboration of lithostraphic logs and field correlations following the analysis of the results of the destructive drilling campaign.
  • Determination of the characteristics of the outcropping geological formations (lithologies, limits, thicknesses, extent…).
  • Delineation of clay, marl and carbonate soils and proposal of a rational exploitation method of the concession as well as estimation of geological reserves.
  • The elaboration of silica and lime iso-level maps following geochemical correlations and lithological zonation maps delimiting the siliceous clay, marly clay, marl and marly limestone terrains in the study site.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Carthage Cement

  • Location:

    Morneg-Governorate of Ben Arous