Carthage Luxury Marble

Project Description

The Carthage Luxury Marble campany has entrusted our research department "BUT Géologie" with the realization of an Impact Study on the Environment "E.I.E" and a study of exploitation and calculation of the reserves of the project of exploitation of an industrial quarry of marble stones located at the Delegation of Thala, Governorate of Kasserine

Client: Carthage Luxury Marble

Year: 2020

Duration: 2 months

Main service: Operational study, reserve calculation

Related services: Environmental impact assessment …

Our achievement with Carthage Luxury Marble is as follows:

  • Exploitation, reserve evaluation, waste calculation and rehabilitation studies for industrial marble stone quarries.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment for the opening and operation of industrial marble quarries.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Carthage Luxury Marble

  • Location:

    Delegation of Thala, Governorate of Kasserine