IEG – Corporate Advisory Tunisia

Project Description

Within the framework of a study of financial evaluation of the developments carried out until 2017 and of the grounds to the property of the company Carthage Cement, as well as an estimate of the exploited reserves of the quarry before the year 2008, then between the years 2008 and 2017 of the ground belonging to the field of the state and the private ground, the company IEG Corporate Advisory Tunisia entrusted to our engineering and design department "BUT Geology" the realization of a financial expertise of the developments and grounds, accompanied by an estimate of the reserves exploited since 2008.

Client: IEG

Year: 2018

Duration: Three months

Main service:Financial evaluation of the developments carried out until 2017 and Estimate of the exploited reserves of the quarry before the year 2008 and between the years 2008 and 2017

Related services: Geological survey

We have collaborated with the company IEG for:

  • A financial evaluation of the developments carried out until 2017 and of the land owned by the Carthage Cement Company.
  • Estimatation of the exploited reserves of the quarry before the year 2008, then between the years 2008 and 2017 of the land belonging to the state domain and the private land.
  • A geological study with detailed geological mapping and correlation of the logs of the destructive drillings carried out in the study site.
  • Estimation of the geological reserves and exploitable reserves of the concession according to the lithology of the land and its location.
  • Developing a method of operation and rehabilitation that complies with environmental standards and allows the result of the volume calculation to be refined.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    IEG - Corporate Advisory Tunisia

  • Location:

    Delegation of Morneg, Governorate of Ben Arous