Les ciments artificiels Tunisiens

Project Description

The Company ''Les ciments artificiels Tunisiens'' entrusted our research department ''BUT Géologie'' with the realization of various types of projects related to the industrial limestone quarries on the one hand and the other hand to the opening of the crushing and screening unit.

Client: Les ciments artificiels Tunisiens

Year: 2021

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Environmental impact study, Hazard study…

Related services: Quarry development study

Our mission with Les ciments artificiels Tunisiens is to carry out the following studies:

  • The realization of an Environmental Impact Assessment of the crushing and screening unit deals with the Environmental Management Plan “E.M.P”.foreseeable direct and indirect effects of the opening project on the and proposes adequate measures to eliminate, reduce, and compensate the harmful consequences to the environment to establish  an Environmental Management Plan “E.M.P”.
  • The realization of a study of danger makes it possible initially, to identify and analyze the risks related to the installations and/or mode of operation. Then, to list adequate measures to control these risks. Finally, to propose scenarios and methods of intervention to manage accidents.
  • The development of technical studies focuses on the exploitation of the quarries owned by the company. These studies provide detailed descriptions of various projects related to quarry exploitation. First and foremost, they outline methods of exploitation by proposing master plans for development and rehabilitation that adhere to environmental standards. Additionally, they incorporate Digital Models of the Terrain (M.N.T), illustrating and describing the different stages of exploitation, development, and rehabilitation.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Les ciments artificiels Tunisiens

  • Location:
