Marbrerie BENNOUR

Project Description

Environmental impact study of the project of reopening and exploitation of an industrial quarry of marble stone for the company "Marbrerie BENNOUR"

The company "Marbrerie BENNOUR" has entrusted our research department "BUT Géologie" with the realization of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project of reopening and exploitation of an industrial quarry of marble stone located at the place called Djebal Krissa, Imadet Fej Terbah, Delegation of Jedelienne, Governorate of Kasserine.

Client: Marbrerie BENNOUR

Year: 2019

Duration: 2 months

Main service: Environmental Impact Assessment

Related services: Evaluation of reserves, rehabilitation…

We have collaborated with the company Marbrerie BENNOUR , for the realization of the following studies :

  • Describe the current state of the proposed quarry and its surroundings, and of the natural features and resources likely to be affected by the project.
  • Describe the project and present the quarrying method and operations by proposing mining and rehabilitation plans that comply with environmental standards, with a calculation of exploitable reserves.
  • Analyse the foreseeable direct and indirect effects of the project on the environment.
  • Listing of the envisaged measures to eliminate, reduce and compensate for any adverse effects on the environment.
  • Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Marbrerie BENNOUR

  • Location:

    Delegation of Jedelienne, Governorate of Kasserine