Project Description

Audit and technical evaluation of the progress of the exploitation and development works in the sand quarry, on behalf of the company "MINERALI INDUSTRIALI TUNISIA".

The audit program allows to examine the current state of the quarry in terms of exploitation and development works and their progress during 3 months. Thus determine their compliance with the Tunisian standards of exploitation of quarries. Consequently, to propose a cascade of technical actions and work to be carried out during the next three months with the aim of setting up a strategy of orientation of the works of exploitation and development within a regulatory framework thus concretizing a policy of improvement and application of the rules of management of the quality of the product on the one hand and on the other hand the management of the impact of the works of exploitation of the quarry on the environment.


Year: 2022

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Audit and Technical Evaluation

Associate service: Planning an action plan

The audit program aims to :

  • Describe the current condition of the sand quarry, including the condition of the quarry limits, the condition of the tracks, the condition of the faces, the operations, and the development work carried out during the last 3 months.
  • Carry out a material balance: the quantities of sand extracted from the quarry and the quantities fed.
  • Plan the operational and development work to be carried out in the next 3 months.
Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    Oueslatia-Governorate of Kairouan