Power King International

Project Description

The company Power King International has entrusted our research department "BUT Géologie" with the realization of two types of studies: Environmental and technical.

Client: Power King International

Year: 2020

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Quarrying study…

Related services: Environmental impact assessment …

Our achievement with Power King International is as follows:

  • Realization of an impact study on the environment, this study makes it possible to identify, then to analyze the foreseeable effects, direct and indirect, of the projects of opening of an open pit mine of gypsum in the place known as Djebel Er rouijel, delegation Mezzouna, Governorate Sid Bouzid, on the environment. Then, to enumerate adequate measures to remove, reduce and compensate the harmful consequences to the environment and the estimation of the corresponding costs and finally, to establish an Environmental Management Plan.
  • Realization of a profitability study in order to calculate the production, transport, processing, delivery and handling and several miscellaneous charges in order to calculate the forecast turnover.
  • Carrying out a geological and structural survey of the study site as well as a mapping of the geological formations outcropping there.
  • Realization of technical studies describing the various projects related to the exploitation of quarries in the first place and in the second place, they present methods of exploitation by proposing master plans of exploitation, development and rehabilitation in conformity with the environmental standards and Digital Models of Lands ” M.N.T ” illustrating and describing the various stages of the exploitation, the development and the rehabilitation
  • Realization of technical studies describing the various projects related to the exploitation of quarries in the first place and in the second place, they present methods of exploitation by proposing master plans of exploitation, development and rehabilitation in conformity with the environmental standards and Digital Models of Lands ” M.N.T ” illustrating and describing the various stages of the exploitation, the development and the rehabilitation
  • The realization of litho-stratigraphic logs and geological sections and their correlations in order to characterize the lateral and vertical evolution of the geological formation object of the exploitation and its extent at the level of the research permit.
  • A geotechnical study including core drilling to estimate the depth and quality of the exploitable rock (gypsum).
Projet Details
  • Client:

    Power King International

  • Location:

    Governorate of Sidi Bouzid