Project Description

The Company SOCIETE BOUZGUENDA FRERES : SBF entrusted our research department " BUT Géologie " with the realization of depollution study of the welding, painting and storage park, located at the place called " El Agba ", Governorate of Manouba.

Client: SBF

Year: 2021

Duration: 3 months

Service principal: Study of the depollution of the welding, painting and storage park.

Our mission with SOCIETE BOUZGUENDA FRERES (SBF) consists in carrying out the following tasks:

  • Description of the initial state of the welding, painting and storage yard and the natural resources that may be affected in the vicinity of the site.
  • The detailed description of the park and the presentation of the method and operations in the different workshops.
  • Analysis of the foreseeable direct and indirect effects of the project on the .
  • The list of measures envisaged to eliminate, reduce and compensate for the harmful effects on the environment.
  • The establishment of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

As a reminder, this pollution control study is an essential element for the promoter to take into account when designing his project, by taking into account the environmental constraints and by the commitment to reduce the nuisances during the maintenance and repair works at the park.

Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    El Agba-Gouvernorat de Manouba