Project Description

Technical study on the exploitation, development, rehabilitation, and calculation of the reserves of two industrial quarries of granitic rocks: "Bouaké" Quarry and "Abakro" Quarry.

Within the framework of a valorization of the granitic deposits in the Republic of Ivory Coast, the group "SOROUBAT", entrusted to our research department "BUT Géologie", the realization of a technical study on the exploitation, the development, the rehabilitation and the calculation of the reserves of the two industrial quarries of granitic rocks: Quarry of "Bouaké" and Quarry of "Abakro".

Client: SOROUBAT Group

Year: 2022

Duration: 2 months

Main service: Modelling of the exploitation works and calculation of the exploitable reserves

Associated services: Development and rehabilitation planning

This technical project on the exploitation, development, rehabilitation, and calculation of the reserves of the two industrial quarries of granitic rocks: Quarry of "Bouaké" and Quarry of "Abakro" deals with the following chapters:

  • Description of the current state of the two quarries.
  • A detailed description of the project: presentation of the method and operations of exploitation by proposing plans of exploitation and rehabilitation in conformity with the environmental standards and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) illustrating and describing the various stages of the exploitation, development, and rehabilitation.
  • Exploitable reserves calculations
  • The opening of tracks and accesses to the mining fronts.
  • The development of a rehabilitation/restoration plan.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    SOROUBAT Group

  • Location:

    Republic of Côte d'Ivoire