SOTACIB Kairouan

Project Description

The Company SOTACIB Kairouan has entrusted our engineering and design department "BUT Géologie" with the realization of various types of projects which have an environmental vision, related to the activities of the factory on the one hand and on the other hand of the purely technical projects related to the works of exploitation in the industrial quarry of clays owner of the cement factory SOTACIB-Kairouan.

Client: SOTACIB-Kairouan

Year: 2020

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Geochemical reconnaissance studies, calculation of reserves…

Related services: Evaluation of the environmental status of the SOTACIB Kairouan cement plant

Our mission with SOTACIB-Kairouan is to carry out the following studies:

  • The realization of a geotechnical and geochemical reconnaissance study, establishment of lithological correlations, realization of maps of ido-values and interpretation of the results, evaluation of reserves in terms of quality and to have an idea on the mode of their spatial arrangement to pilot its mode of exploitation.
  • Audit at the Kairouan plant and analysis of the environmental situation.
  • The elaboration of silica and lime iso-level maps following geochemical correlations and lithological zonation maps delimiting the siliceous clay, marly clay, marl and marly limestone terrains in the study site.
Projet Details
  • Client:

    SOTACIB Kairouan

  • Location:

    Oueslatia-Governorate of Kairouan