Project Description

The Tunisian Company of Exploitation of Marble Quarry " SOTECAM " has entrusted to our research department " BUT Géologie " the realization of the project of extension of the exploitation surface of an industrial quarry of marble stones located at J. El Maktaa, Imadet Fondok Jedid, Delegation of Grombalia, Governorate of Nabeul.


Year: 2021

Duration: 2 months

Main service: Environmental impact assessment

Associated service: Calculation of exploitable reserves and establishment of a development and rehabilitation schedule.

We have collaborated with SOTECAM for:

  • Describe the existing condition of the quarry and its proposed extension and its surroundings, and the natural features and resources likely to be affected by the project.
  • Describe in detail the project, present the method and operations of exploitation, propose exploitation and rehabilitation plans in accordance with environmental standards and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) illustrating and describing the different stages of exploitation.
  • Analyse the foreseeable direct and indirect effects of the project on the .
  • List the measures envisaged to eliminate, reduce and compensate for the harmful consequences for the environment and the corresponding cost estimates.
  • Establish an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

As a reminder, this study constitutes for the promoter an essential element of decision at the time of the conception of his project by taking into account its direct and indirect effects on the ecosystem and proposes measures that he undertakes to take to eliminate, attenuate or compensate for the negative impacts, and to reinforce the positive effects of a project during the phase of building site or realization, the phase of exploitation and the phase of dismantling or rehabilitation.

Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    Imadet Fondok Jedid, Delegation of Grombalia, Governorate of Nabeul