Project Description

The Company SPCF entrusted us with the realization of various types of studies relating to the project of exploitation of the industrial quarry of aggregates located at Djebel El Faiedh, Delegation El Faiedh, Governorate of Sidi Bouzid.

Client: SPCF

Year: 2020

Duration: 3 months

Main service: Studies and consultancy

Associated service: Environmental impact assessment

Our mission with SPCF is to carry out the following studies:

  • Carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Realization of an exploitation study and calculation of the reserves according to the quality of the rock.
  • Carrying out a rehabilitation and restoration study of the quarry.
  • Realization of a danger study following the use of explosives.
  • Realization of a seismic survey for mine blasting and recording of the vibration and sound wave propagation.
Projet Details
  • Client:


  • Location:

    El Faiedh-Governorate of Sidi Bouzid