Our services

BUT Géologie carries out missions of study of rock walls and slopes in order to highlight the possible instabilities, to quantify the risks and to propose ways of correcting them.

BUT Géologie provides technical assistance, management and full control of mining sites, drilling and mining operations according to the most modern methods, techniques and technologies.

We also provide advice and technical support during the opening and operation phases, as well as audits and technical skills.

Our services

With its great potential in geosciences, BUT Géologie offers services in the field of mining and quarries with innovative and promising technical and economic approaches.

Tactical and strategical exploration

  • Geology and metallogenic synthesis at the regional or national level, thematic mapping with GIS, identification of targets, fluvial sediments, soil geochemistry…
  • Conducting and monitoring reconnaissance, geophysical, geochemistry, correlations and interpretation of data…

Pre-feasibility study

  • Technical and economic studies on the various operating and processing projects.
  • Local assessment of reserves.
  • Environmental feasibility (hydraulic, hydrogeological, ecological, socioeconomic…) and geotechnics.
  • Precise cost estimates

Regulation of exploration and operating permits, explosive ordnance disposal plans and performance of various types of technical and environmental studies.

  • Applying local regulations and advising on regulatory changes.
  • Assisting and following up on applications for exploration and development permits, applications for operating permits, administrative procedures for obtaining research permits and preparing commitments for issuing operating permits.
  • Proposal of methods and elaboration of exploitation plans, according to Tunisian standards and regulations, as well as planning of developments and rehabilitation plans for the different types of quarries: aggregates, sands, gypsum, granites, ….
  • Assistance in selecting equipment, mechanical machines, crushing and screening stations, silica sand treatment plants, depending on the nature of the quarry, the geology reserves, the needs of the promoters, etc.
  • Geological field studies and proposal of potential sites of calcium carbonates, siliceous sands, clays, marble stones…

Recognition and assessment of reserves based on the quality of deposits.

  • Drilling Monitoring, 3D Geological Modelling, Mining Geostatistics, Resource and Reserve Valuation, Mining Projects (3D Modelling), Mining Diagrams, Mineral Processing – Processing Diagrams, Cost Estimation.
  • Technical assistance and overall management of production sites as well as drilling and extraction works.

“BUT Géologie” met à vos dispositions des professionnels spécialisés dans la cartographie du terrain prospecté,  la , les travaux d’échantillonnage,  la recherche des substances utiles, la réalisation des sondages carottés et l’interprétation  des données de forages de reconnaissance (les corrélations).

Conducting and interpreting reconnaissance drilling (core drilling), supplementing and specifying the data collected during field surveys for the understanding and knowledge of the composition of the subsoil.

Through these actions, BUT Géologie intervenes in the field of mines and in particular, quarries and open-pit mines, whether for the search for new operating sites, expanding existing sites or rehabilitating derelict sites.

“BUT Géologie” has all the expertise and technical know-how to apply the many and varied practical applications of hydrology and hydrogeology.

BUT Géologie is specialised in the study of water catchments and piezometers. It provides you with a team specialized in the development of specifications, including water well drilling projects. BUT Géologie is also specialised in the study of water catchments and piezometers. It provides you with a team specialized in the development of specifications, including water well drilling projects.

Our office oversees the drilling process in order to optimize the dimensioning of the structure and its equipment, according to the observations of the site.

Our team performs pumping tests and interprets the removal of wells, as well as other tasks:

photos pour applications pratiques de l_hydrologie page services
  • Calculating the perimeters of prevention zones around all types of basins (wells, drains, sources, etc.).
  • Determination of perimeters by conducting tracing tests by measuring transfer rates inside aquifers.
  • Determination of aquifers characteristics (type, hydrodynamic parameters: porosity, permeability, transmissivity, storage coefficient, etc.).
  • Estimation of aquifers reserves…
  • Calculating the exploitation rate of a water well…

“BUT Géologie” is your partner to perform analyses before your mining exploration projects. These include a range of operations necessary to acquire knowledge for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a mineral deposit. We participate in road and construction projects as well.

The different approaches taken for geotechnical projects will measure or identify the following parameters:

  • Lithostratiography and subsurface geomorphology.
  • Subtances levels
  • The carrying capacity of a soil (penetration tests, cavity research, pressure tests, etc.)
  • Selection and design of the infiltration system for wastewater or treated water (dispersal drains, infiltration bed or mound)
  • Karst areas Identification
  • Conception and sizing of foundation and support projects
  • Geotechnical investigation checking and supervising
  • Technical support on site

BUT Géologie” offers its customers a range of .

Electrical methods

Les méthodes électriques se basent principalement sur la répartition du potentiel électrique dans le sol. La mesure de résistivité électrique des terrains permet de fournir des résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs.

L’interprétation géologique des résultats permet de distinguer les massifs de roches saines, les zones altérées, les zones saturées en eau et les accidents naturels.

Seismic methods

Les méthodes sismiques sont utiles dans le domaine du génie civil et permettent de révéler l’épaisseur des terrains facilement excitables ou de positionner le toit du substratum rocheux compact. Elles permettent aussi de mette en évidence les zones déconsolidées ou karstifiées au sein du massif calcaire ou des évaporites.

BUT Géologie assure les études d’impact des tirs de mine, sur les agglomérations ou  autres sites qui se présentent au voisinage pour pouvoir établir les mesures techniques et de adéquates.

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Le Géoradar est une technique de prospection géophysique non destructive fondée sur l’analyse des phénomènes de propagation (réfraction, réflexion et diffraction) des ondes électromagnétiques à hautes fréquences.

L’utilisation du Géoradar fréquentiel est une technique récente associée à des contraintes instrumentales qui a été l’objet d’un nombre important de recherches dans divers domaines d’application: Archéologie, Hydrogéologie, Etudes stratégiques, Génie civil…

“BUT Géologie” offers a wide range of expertise and services, as well as a wide range of computing tools in geographic information systems (GIS): ArcGis, Global-Mapper, QGIS, GvSIG, Envi…

Our experts master a multitude of tools and GIS systems to serve our customers.

We act in a methodical way to update our skills and knowledge by integrating the latest techniques and systems.

  • Digitisation and vectorisation of plans (urban data, geological data, etc.)
  • Production of the map base (raster and vector)
  • Design and modeling of geographic databases
  • Field survey
  • Production of cartographic documents and creation of geolocated data.
  • Digital cartography.
  • Digital rendering at different scales.
  • of maps, plans, satellite images, etc.
  • Production of Digital Terrain Models (MDT).
  • Thematic cartography.

“BUT Geology” is involved in the field of environment and nature protection by deeply assimilating the issues of sustainable development and climate change.

Technical assistance and support to industries in environmental projects

  • Environmental analysis at several scales of observation at the level of industrial units: cement plants, crushing and screening units…
  • Regulations concerning the different types of waste from an industrial activity: industrial waste, liquid waste, atmospheric waste, etc.
  • Optimization and valorization of various types of waste…
  • Proposal of an innovative environmental strategy.
  • Solving environmental problems.
  • L’élaboration et le suivi des Plans de gestion environnemental et social (PGE).

Realization of environmental studies for industrial units: cement plants, crushing and screening units...

  • Environmental impact studies
  • Remediation studies
  • Environmental Assessments and Audits
  • Environmental notes
  • Environmental Assessments


L’accès à nos clients, la gestion et l’optimisation de notre réseau professionnel ont depuis toujours été l’une des préoccupations majeures de notre bureau d’études “BUT Géologie”. En outre, nous ne cessons jamais de développer nos activités à l’étranger et particulièrement en Afrique subsaharienne et au moyen Orient.


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